Facebook Page
Facebook Page Management Pasadena – Search Engines monitor your participation in various social Networks. The number one of them is Facebook. You cannot afford not to have an active Facebook page for your company (and even for yourself). It is calculated into their complex algorithms for ranking your website. Being active on social sites is an indication of your commitment to be a successful entrepreneur. Overtime it gives you a trusted status which eventually could lead to your company being considered an authority in your field. Last but not least, on Facebook you can create and entertain your own community of friends and followers. And if your content is interesting to groups of people around the country or the world, then there is no limit to who and where you can reach.
We manage social media for you.
Whether you have time or not to manage your Facebook page, here is what we can do to help:
- Set up your your Business page
- Customize the graphic environment to mimic your website ( logo/colors/etc)
- Set up auto post publishing between your WordPress site and your Facebook page
- show you how to use it
- Create/write new posts on a regular basis based on the content of your site and your trade environment (what’s new in your field?..etc)
- Manage your Facebook advertising campaign to push other Facebook members to follow you, read your latest post and visit your website.
Call us for a free consultation on Facebook
626 864-6941
Facebook page management Pasadena